Sunday, May 3, 2009

Tooth Fairy and Auspicious Days

I forgot to write that the Tooth Fairy finally arrived, after a delay of a few days since one of Briana's teeth fell out last week. Let's just say the Tooth Fairy was not well-prepared for a visit to Bali and needed some time to get her act in gear. Luckily Briana expressed her wish for a little model of a cat with wings that she saw in a gift shop. And whaddya-know the tooth fairy delivered the goods. Now that's magic, Paul Daniels.

The Balinese have their own calendar in which a year consists of two cycles of 30 weeks, making a 420-day year. So much for Balinese Astronomy. Mostly this is used for religious purposes and to denote auspicious days for various activities like proposing to a girl or planting rice. Last Wednesday was strongly recommended for castrating an animal. Fortunately or unfortunately none were to hand at the time.